Book for 6 year old? Indiana Jones?


Im looking for a book that a 6 year old would be interested in, he quite like Indiana Jones, is there something like that for him? Please do note if the book would be for the child to read or for an adult to read to the child. Thanks in advance, I'm really hoping to get my little brother as excited about reading as well as school. If this can him away from the telly or legos for and hour or so, it'll make all the difference!
It seemed to have erased some of my sentence, so please excuse the bad grammar, ha ha. Information about educational movies and etc. would be appreciated as well!
He is old enough for Indiana Jones he watches all the movies over and over again until he can understands them, so why can't he do the same with a book? I'm just looking for the book that will be the easiest of them to understand.


Is very sweet of you to put this question.
The best way of find a book that your little brother likes is to get in in a staurday mornig or another day, and take him to a bookstore, that was a place to sit down, pick with him a bunch of them, and try to see in wich he will be interested. That's the best way to put children to read. Like in many other stuff, they actually now what they like, and i can assure you, i've seen many children, walking in to a bookstore getting out wiht a book, and the next time they came, they are histerical.

If is not possible to get him to a bookstore, take him something funny, that gets his attention on the book, when time goes by you will be albe to give him other lectures.

Where in the Wild, Maurice Sendak
Fungus the bogeyman, Raimond Briggs
Night Pirates, Peter Harris

In doubt, go for the classics, its a lie taht children of our days don´t like it.

Search on amazon, our in specialized sites

Sorry for my english.

Goog luck with your little brother

Need book suggestions for 6-year old boy?


He loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I'm looking for similar books - ones with pictures, but that will still challenge to improve his reading ability. We prefer books that are on audio, too.


Bruce Coville writes some really good books. I was going to suggest the Magic Tree House series and Geronimo Stilton series but see they've already been suggested! There are also some 'picture' books that can be very entertaining. Saving Sweetness is one that comes to mind.
Many children also enjoy Junie B. Jones, Captain Underpants and the Boxcar Children.

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