Is there any single book that serves as a collection of essential philosophical works?


I'm familiar with some of the names of what I believe are considered some of the major philosophers, but I've not yet had the chance to read any of their work. Is there any single volume that is a collection of works from some major philosophers that could serve as a broad foundation for someone just beginning to study philosophy? I'm beginning to think there may not be, but I decided I'd ask before trying to assemble a collection of many different single books.

Thanks for the help!

I would recommend an essential set of 2 books to read, called The Great Ideas of the Western World. (Doesn't the title give you a hint?) The books are also called the Syntopicon. You can look them up in the library computer either way.

You can only get it in a library because it's part of a $2000 set of books of 66 books; or get the 2 books used, cheap, at a used book store. You can also find them online cheaply. at Amazon, both in the book form, and for your Kindle or Kindle app, for $2.99.

Those two books will give you literally hundreds of more 'must-read' choices. They are arranged by alphabetical subjects (103 of them), not by the philosophers' names. The chapters are short--about 12 pages--but you will be fascinated beyond belief by things men said that you never knew.

The best way to learn 'real philosophy' is to step back and take a grand, wide view that quickly outlines a topic. Otherwise you might start with Plato (for an example) but not catch the connection between his "Forms" and Aristotle's "essene" or Kant's Noumena. So you read the Syntopicon and the connection is made for you.

Books for the kindle?


I was just given a kindle and I seem to be blanking on what books I should be reading. I pretty much enjoy anything from Pride and Prejudice to Harry Potter. Well anything but Twilight! I'm currently reading the Hunger Games series but am almost done. What are some books you would recommend?

Congrats on your new kindle!

If you liked Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice you should look up the Oz series by Frank Baum. Dorothy and the wizard of Oz was based an a fantastic series of books.

Wuthering Heights- If you're in the mood for a tragic romance definitely look this one up.

I'm currently enjoying Utopia, though it's really a political diatribe posing as a story book.

Little Duke is the story of King Richard, and a really good read.

Little Men is less famous than Little Women, but I actually liked it better.

Through the looking glass and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland are both great reads

Aesops fables, Scarlet Letter and Grimm's Fairy stories are also well loved books in my kindle collection, and I believe that everything on this list is in the free classics section of amazon. :)

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