Books that everyone should read?


This is it, the summer before my college freshman year, and I have a ton of goals this summer. One of them is to read more and increase my language skills/intellect/vocab./writing/all english stuff haha. Even though I graduated high school with a 4.0 ;), i wasn't much of a reader...

I did enjoy reading the school books at times, but that was mostly it. What are some novels, any genre or storyline (from romance to adventure), that are very interesting, have good story lines, keep me reading, give me a good feeling, are good for early college students/adults, and at the same time improve the skills I mentioned?

Sorry if it sounds like I'm looking for something that doesn't exist; I just don't have much book experience...Please list/suggest as many as you want because I want to read at least 1 a week and make reading a new part of life :)

Thanks everyone; much appreciation!


Actually there are many books that fit your criteria.

Here are some "good reads" that will also make you think. Some will not give you a good feeling, but they are likely to make you a more thoughtful and compassionate human being. I am not listing them in any particular order. Use a dictionary as needed to increase your vocabulary.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Don Quixote (this will take more than one week to read)
Great Expectations (or other novels by Dickens such as Oliver Twist or Tale of Two Cities)
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Life of Pi
Animal Farm
Brave New World
Night (Elie Wiesel)
Once on a Winter's Night a Traveler (by Italo Calvino. This is one of the most creative - and frustrating - books I have read)
Les Miserables (this will take more than a week to read, too)
Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Hobbit
Huckleberry Finn (maybe read Tom Sawyer first)
Any books by Jane Austen or a member of the Bronte family (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, etc.)
Moby Dick (this takes more than a week, too)
Gone with the Wind
The Catcher in the Rye (a book that seems best to read when you are entering adulthood)
The Scarlet Letter
Fahrenheit 451
Genesis, Exodus, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, and the gospels or other religious texts of your choosing.

You can also find lists of good books by doing an internet search on "college reading list," see examples below. Ignore any comments that suggest that you "should" have read or been exposed to these books before you start college. Instead think of these lists as suggestions for a lifetime of reading.

What is a great book to Read?


I just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye. Great book, I recommend it . Now I would like to read another one. I don't care what year it was published. I would rather it NOT be any of the following. Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Sisterhood, or Twilight. And please tell me a little bit about the book and the author. Thank You.
Any books that have to do with adventure or books that are popular or "moving" in a way. Books similar to the Catcher in the Rye (if you have read it and know what it's about.)

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness:
It's about a boy called Todd who lives in a town where everyone can here everyone elses thoughts, they're all jumbled up in one big Noise. Todd discovers a spot of silence- which is imposible. And then he has to run.... Sounds confusing but it's really good. First book of the Chaos Walking Trilogy.

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien:
It's about a hobbit called Bilbo Baggins who lives a quiet life- that is untill a wizard and a group of dwarves arrive on his doorstep. They are planning to raid a dragon's lair and the reluctant Bilbo has a huge part to play. It's the epic prelude to The Lord of the Rings- read it before the film comes out!

Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan:
Darren thinks going to the mysterious Cirque du Freak will be a bit of fun. But then he meets Madam Octa, and that leads him into striking a deal with a creature of the night. a mistake he'll pay for... in blood... The first book of the Saga of Darren Shan.

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